Demo2 third
Demo2 third
Demo2 third
Demo2 third

Contact us

We are located in the center of Parga. Feel free to contact us by submiting the contact form.

 The closest airports to Parga are:

- Aktion/Preveza - 75 km with direct flights from/to Athens and Thessaloniki and some Greek Islands and charters from abroad.
- Ioannina - 120 km with direct flights from/to Athens
- Corfu's - 49 km + car-ferry from Igoumenitsa with direct flights from/to Athens, Thessaloniki, Europe and Greek Islands.
  • Mediterraneo Parga Resort
  • Parga Greece, 48060
  • Telephone: +30-2684032516
  • FAX: +30-2684032516
  • E-mail:


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